It's like Capital Hill has been invaded, you're going like, who are these people, they're not public servants, they're "self serving", they're not held responsible to administer the American mandate for public servants. They march to a different drummer! Like their own, we keep getting these terms, sequestration, government shut down, brinkmanship, boorish, it's like the epitome of an aberration. Public servant appears to be a joke to them, and the last thing on their collective mind-set! We think the reason for this aberration, and diversion from the norm, is due in-part to the fact that, demographic's are changing, that's the hash tag, change, and that change has happened, quick, fast and in a flurry. And it was apond them before you could say "Romneycare", and it is not sitting well with them! It's making them dizzy, delirious, producing some very fuzzy minded thinking. George Clinton The Parliament/Funkadelic band leader, called Washington, DC, Chocolate city, he also penned "paint the white house black/brown". And what is significant about his work is, the pathetic, poetic, poetry in motion, moving forward, to the poetic justice, that would be, The honorable senator from Chicago, Barry O'bomber becoming the first person of color to occupy the White House! And it is, what it is, house flip after flip in DC, yes, and The White House was the first to be flipped! And it was like a snowball affect, politically correct so, it's all good, it's positive change, factor-in the powerful newbie's, mostly middle-class, upwardly mobile, (White diamonds, Chocolate diamonds), my "onlnegldrsh", and suddenly there's, Home Depot, Harris Teeter, Whole foods, Wayfair, Walmart, and many others on their coat tails, following the money! DC @ once becomes, monetized, more diversified and yes, it becomes, White/Chocolate city. And speaking of walmart, they have opted out of, the conflict of interest they viewed, in their association in A.L.E.C. i.e., American Legislative exchange council, stating that it (A.L.E.C.), was unamerican, if you surf the web (, you'll see why! Moving forward, it's been proven by the stats that, people of color past and present are, the last hired, the first fired, White/Chocolate city isn't having none of that, that ole boy network has fizzled out. And this injustice stemmed from years of benign neglect, institutional racism and/or bigotry! And the merchants, corporations, government agencies, are all guilty of what has been termed geographical and employment discrimination clear cut across the board, that will fizzle out also! The climate @ present, has the look of, a mind-set being in complete reversal, now that ChocolateinfoCity has been transformed into "White Chocolate city". And it's kind of redesigned with whites, women, and people of color in mind! @ the same time, you retain the knowledge that, back in the day, the only thing designed with people of color in mind, was the penal system! Now most of the bad apples are else- where! And just like the reforming of Chocolate city, wrong-headed thinking of the not too distant past, was eradicated! And that "wrong-headed thinking (bring back Georgia avenue day), came from both sides of the aisle", reason enough to be an Indie, who knew. Moving forward, the entire system of Uncle Sam democracy, would undermined in the Jim Crow era of, benign neglect. And we are here, the one's we've been waiting for, waiting for some redemption, we are here moving forward, to get with theinfoprogram, a message from White/Chocolate city, to all of the White diamonds/Chocolate diamonds in the raw...
keep it moving...forward!!!
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