
Friday, December 6, 2019


School children should be allowed to skip class, down load, the whistle sound app, march on city centres, nation wide to protest, strike and bring localities to a standstill: armed with dire warnings from the scientific community, people around the world should down load whistle sound app, make some noise, and drag the dire, climate emergency into the mainstream, Because, Republican's and their leader Vladimir Trump remain in denial, stating 'the climate emergency' is a hoax.

So in their warped view, we can always, use Mars as an alternate planet!

The melting ice caps, according to Conservative think camps, like ALEC, produce propaganda, and talking points, that frame the phony narrative of 'no climate change' stating the other side of the aisle is delusional.

Moreover, the Researchers in the nation's most prominent scientific communities, very vehemently have expressed a genuine concern!
And the bottom line is, we have to take care of our environment, this is our only place to live, maybe the others really believe what they profess, and plan to assemble a horde of Space X rockets, to relocate somewhere else in the universe.
Who knows, and who cares what they think, because they're not rational thoughts! Climate control, now!

And we should blow the whistle in honor of whistleblowers everywhere.

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